RTNP: The Saga Continues

Transit friends!

There is exactly one Richmond Transit Network Plan public meeting left on the books: February 8th from 6:00–8:00 PM at the Hotchkiss Community Center (701 E. Brookland Park Boulevard). If you haven't yet, attend this meeting and take their survey.

Also, play around with the Make Your Own Isochrone Tool. What's a better way to spend your weekend than making cool maps?

(I swear, once we get the Richmond Transit Network Plan off and running we're going to start work on some really excellent projects in Chesterfield and Henrico. Remember the vision for the region!)


We're just a little more than a week out from City Council's next attempt at passing RES. 2016-092. That's the (non-binding) resolution which supports the key recommendations of the Richmond Transit Network Plan along with its simaulteanous implementation with the Pulse. If you're a fan of frequent buses that increase access to the city for almost everyone, please drop your councilperson a friendly email telling them exactly that.


This week, a lot of the elected members of our local government rode the bus, and Ned Oliver was there to capture it all. Councilman Jones points out some of the challenges of running frequent bus service in the less dense parts of Richmond. Luckily, all it takes to improve service in these area is more money. I'm looking forward to seeing how City Council and the mayor plan to increase transit funding this coming budget cycle to meet all these needs!

Chesterfield's Planning Commission recommended denial of the Winterfield Crossing project—a pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use development. The reason? The development would create too much traffic. One thing I'm aware of that would help alleviate traffic for this project: A bus rapid transit line stretching the length of Midlothian Turnpike.

Yikes. Virginia Beach will have to repay $20 million to the state since they decided not to extend their light rail system. Also read through to the bottom of that article to see a great example of why frequency matters and what happens when you miss your once-per-hour bus.

—Ross Catrow